
Making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland

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A friend recently directed my attention toward the following great video entitled ‘The Week’. It is an advert for a magazine in Brazil, but it’s one of those rare things; an advert that isn’t entirely lacking in soul:

I love the line about creation:

[7 Days]: To create the world… Enough.

I love the idea of effortlessness the word ‘enough’ gives there. It’s an important reminder of the power of the God who rules over all and orchestrates all things. Seven days (six, really) was enough for him to create all that there is. In fact, he could have easily done it in less time. Or no time.

What weighs heavy on you at the moment? What fills your world and blots out any hope of release? The God for whom seven days was enough, is not far from you. In fact, he dwells with the low and contrite (Isaiah 57:15), and he is working all things for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28).

Do you feel like there is not much time left for God to act?

There is enough.